Welcome smiling guys :)

Welcome smiling guys :)
Have you smiled today?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am still here!

Yes!I am here!One year later, I'm going to follow this wonderful blog. Unfortunately, I'm going to be the only writer on this blog, because my mates are not with me right now. Teresa is studying in the USA (I admit that I'm a little bit jealous, how wonderful is to be available to study in another country!) and in the otherhand, Ana has just made an another own blog. Also I have changed the colours, and now is not a romantic blog, is a HAPPY BLOG! But I am getting confused, because wait...how did I put the colored letters?Oh yes, I have just remember!
Thank you, and enjoy yourself! :)

Here you have my new favourite song Airplanes, I hope you'll like it!


  1. Omg..Ana what did you do with our blog?haha
    I miss you too people..Jose Luis i sent you an email and you haven't replayed..but you received it,didn't you?
    Anyways, hope everything is going alright on the other side of the pond!
    Big hug!

  2. No, Teresa, I didn't receive any email from you. I hope you're well and write me soon.(jldcastromar@yahoo.es). You can use this blog to upload your photos if Julia doesn't mind.

  3. I really don't mind Teresa, post wherever you want, when you want. I hope you like the way I've changed the blog.
