Welcome smiling guys :)

Welcome smiling guys :)
Have you smiled today?

Sunday, November 21, 2010


How could college students have thought that this would be a global social network? Well, they just started out strictly and it was available by invitation only. But thanks to them, this is the social network that I use the most.

It is really easy to have a facebook account. You just have to go into facebook website, go into "want an account" and that is all. Easy to start, isn't it?
With this social network it is easier to find your friends and family. If you don't find them by their name and surname, you can try to find them by their email. Also, you can receive messages, comments and send them to all your friends. You can have many as friends as you want. I find Facebook a really good way to keep in touch with most of my friends that are not from my own country.

Then, the only disadvantage that I think this social network has, is that if you want to use it from your mobile phone, you can't use “the online chat”.

I would recommend this social network to anyone, even to those people that think social networks are not secure, because facebook gives you the possibility of setting your privacy -showing your photos only to your friends or to everyone. Whats more, you can be found in facebook by everybody or no one, it depends entirely on you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of a consumer society

I CONSUME, SO I EXIST? Have you ever made yourself this question? The answer could be quick, but let me tell you something…

It’s evident that if you have the money, you can get everything you need as often as you need it. You have access to unlimited information, to primary services of better quality. As well, you can choose a wide variety of products with all the warranties. “Money is all around “, but money does not buy happiness.

A lot of psychological problems are caused by work, especially the competitive nature of it: “I need it and I need more”. The family is the most affected, “all for the family but without the family”. And sometimes you have all yet, even when you have it all, you need something more like drugs, alcohol and other substances.

What kind of life do you want? You can consume but you should try not to be consumed. It’s only one advice.

I am still here!

Yes!I am here!One year later, I'm going to follow this wonderful blog. Unfortunately, I'm going to be the only writer on this blog, because my mates are not with me right now. Teresa is studying in the USA (I admit that I'm a little bit jealous, how wonderful is to be available to study in another country!) and in the otherhand, Ana has just made an another own blog. Also I have changed the colours, and now is not a romantic blog, is a HAPPY BLOG! But I am getting confused, because wait...how did I put the colored letters?Oh yes, I have just remember!
Thank you, and enjoy yourself! :)

Here you have my new favourite song Airplanes, I hope you'll like it!